
Bedtime snacking with your spouse or partner

So recently my wife and I have been snacking in bed before we go to sleep. This is new to me but she’s an old pro. For me it’s a freeing and the best part of my day now. I look forward to this every single night. Ever since we started this her snacking has had an uptick in portions and I find myself feeling the need to keep up with her. Our sex has picked up too. She’s not into the kink but has always been accepting and supportive and dabbled with it for me through the years. I feel like something has changed since I started eating with her. Anyone else have a similar experience?
2 months

Bedtime snacking with your spouse or partner

So recently my wife and I have been snacking in bed before we go to sleep. This is new to me but she’s an old pro. For me it’s a freeing and the best part of my day now. I look forward to this every single night. Ever since we started this her snacking has had an uptick in portions and I find myself feeling the need to keep up with her. Our sex has picked up too. She’s not into the kink but has always been accepting and supportive and dabbled with it for me through the years. I feel like something has changed since I started eating with her. Anyone else have a similar experience?

Aw! This is so sweet!
2 months

Bedtime snacking with your spouse or partner

It’s finally got me over my gaining fear. She reached over the other night and rubbed my belly, didn’t say anything just a touch!!
2 months